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Inner Child Work

"Is your wounded inner child in the Driver's seat of your life"

 Your inner child is always part of you. But even after you grow up physically, a part of you still remains that child. A healthy inner child can be good in terms of play, fun, and looking at life with the wonder of a child. But when your wounded inner child is in the driver's seat, making life decisions, that's a whole other story.

Fear, anger, and jealousy are just a few of the simple ways that inner children can sabotage without meaning to. Once you can identify whether or not your wounded inner child is in charge, you can begin to change the behaviors and patterns that are keeping you from creating the life and relationships you want and deserve — and that's what this course will help you achieve.

In this course you'll learn to identify the difference between your inner child and your adult self. You'll learn what triggers you to react and get to the root of why you feel the anger, fear, anxiety, and other emotions that are holding you back. We will also explore the positive aspects your inner child brings to your life. You'll develop skills to bridge your adult and your inner child, leading to a more balanced way of living that fills your life with joy, laughter, fun, success, and healthy relationships.

Join us on this journey




1. Self – Discovery &Self- Regulation

2. Boost Confidence & Assertiveness

3. Social Skills

4. Problem Solving & Decision Making

5. Positive Attitude & Thinking

6. Awareness of stress and its implications

7. Handling Peer pressure and bullies

8. Leadership & Team Work

9. Time and its value 

10. Goal Setting & Habit Creation

11. Multiple Intelligence


  • Understand what Emotional Intelligence is and why it’s important

  • Be able to relate more effectively with themselves and others

  • Know how to communicate in an emotionally intelligent way

  • Understand how to demonstrate empathy in a wide range of situations

  • Be aware how their emotions affect their behaviour and performance

  • It is a great self-esteem booster


Level 1: Budding bloomers

5-8 year olds 
12 sessions
(1 session per week)


Level 2: Buzzing Tweens

9-12 year olds 
14 sessions
(1 session per week)


Level 3: Buoyant Teens

13-16 year olds 
14 sessions
(1 session per week)


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